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Addressing disability and neurodiversity



Sense about Science is an independent charity that promotes the public interest in sound science and evidence. Their public engagement work draws from extensive networks and over two decades of working on some of the trickiest issues concerning evidence. Their ethos is public-led, expert-fed – which means engaging early and directly with the public and addressing people’s questions and concerns.

Sense about Science and UK SPINE have collaborated to produce a guide for the public and professionals that opens up the field of ageing research and its therapeutic potential. Rather than focusing on lifespan, this research aims to increase the number of years spent in good health- also known as healthspan, by looking into the underlying biological processes of ageing. These processes are important in causing a number of different age-related diseases, and by understanding them better, we can simplify treatment options by addressing multiple conditions at once. 


Despite promising results from ageing research for increasing the time we can spend living in good health, there are challenges to progressing this from the lab to available products or medicines, due to structural and systemic challenges.  


This guide was co-produced alongside experts working in this area, patients, and members of the public, which included MASIS. This co-development grounded the material in people’s experience and highlighted the need to contextualize therapeutic research in the social model of disability and its intersection with ageing. You can download the full report here: 

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Masis is extremely proud to be networking and collaborating with National Voices who is the coalition of charities that stands for people being in control of their health and care. 

Visit their website:

Blind Create


Specialist Art instruction via video link.


Imagine being guided and shown  how to paint and draw at home using video link on your  electronic  device? A new website - Blind Create  was launched in August this year,  tailored for blind and partially sighted people to be able to  discover  their potential for creating art.


The idea evolved from  teaching art to blind and partially sighted veterans for 7 years along with the 27 years being a specialist art teacher and Art Principal.  Founder and Director  David Grigor saw an opportunity that could help guide those at home and want help to focus and build their confidence with specialist art tuition. Unltd UK awarded David funding with  ''Do It ’’ Award , and Blind Create is now  welcoming  people to book sessions and enjoy creating artwork.


When going to Blind Create you can book specialist art sessions for £45 an hour,  after  which you ’ re asked  what  video link platform you prefer for the session. You can also take a survey, and find out more about Blind Artists in history and why David's sessions are so specialist.  David  has also started a blog to share all the latest developments per week including the amazing artwork made during the sessions which  are  shown free in the Grigor Gallery. Also see  David' s own work at  and please  visit and discover  Blind  Create for yourself and be part of the exciting experience.


MASIS is delighted to have received permission from NICE to display details of their recently introduced NICE- Connect facility. This will allow people to access the information they need quickly and easily.


Are you looking for local and national organisations or services that can help you? Visit Dewis Cymru – the place to find information about a range of well-being services in Wales. Whatever you are looking for, from a childminder to a residential care home, Dewis has the answer! You can make your own choice over which services best meet your needs.

Dewis Cymru provides a place for any local or national organisation to share information about the services they have to offer. The services listed might be provided by your local authority, the Health Board, a local or national charity or a community group, club or society (we share services with ‘Infoengine’ - a third sector directory, and with the NHS in Wales as part of the ‘Health and well-being Wales partnership). Some services may be provided free of charge, others may charge for their service. Dewis allows you to understand what services are available and allows you to choose how best to meet your needs. So whether you’re looking for childcare, something to do, help with housing needs, or help to provide care for someone, it’s likely that Dewis Cymru will have information that can help you.

Just go to You’ll then be able to search for services or browse our national information pages that have been designed to help you think about what matters to you. If you need any help, let us know using the ‘Contact Dewis’ link on the website and we’ll be happy to help you.


Masis is very excited to present our new collaboration with Independent Living, who on a weekly basis, provide the latest developments of interest to health and social care professionals, family carers and disabled individuals, including new products and services, changes in legislation and so much more!


Visit their website:

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